Friday, April 30, 2010

One More Day

One more day and it's the book fair. From the responses I've received, it sounds like there will be a good turn out just from people I know. Facebook helped a great deal in getting the word out. Even Filipinos that I didn't know here in Wisconsin but met through Facebook are coming!
I'm a little nervous, but more excited, I think. I just hope I have enough books to read to the kids. Originally, I only planned on reading two Filipino books but I'm not sure now if that would occupy the entire thirty minutes. I might have to read a third story. So, today, I gathered up all my Filipino children's books (which aren't many) and plan on taking them all with me tomorrow.
Well, my time is limited right now. I have to take Colin to his soccer game...


  1. You'll do great, Margie! Enjoy your time reading with the kids.

  2. Thanks, Carol! Sorry this response is so late. I'm not even sure if this is how I'm supposed to do it. Post and learn, I suppose.
