Friday, April 30, 2010

One More Day

One more day and it's the book fair. From the responses I've received, it sounds like there will be a good turn out just from people I know. Facebook helped a great deal in getting the word out. Even Filipinos that I didn't know here in Wisconsin but met through Facebook are coming!
I'm a little nervous, but more excited, I think. I just hope I have enough books to read to the kids. Originally, I only planned on reading two Filipino books but I'm not sure now if that would occupy the entire thirty minutes. I might have to read a third story. So, today, I gathered up all my Filipino children's books (which aren't many) and plan on taking them all with me tomorrow.
Well, my time is limited right now. I have to take Colin to his soccer game...

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Writer by Heart

I am a writer by heart though my education and profession suggest otherwise.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Inside the Mind of a Writer... a tangled mess (mine, anyway). It's people and events intertwining, colliding, waiting for the creative mind to sort, untangle and put them in their proper places and time.


I never cease writing. Even if I don't finish one, I start another. My head is full of stories waiting to be written. Sometimes, the typing or writing hands cannot keep up with the ideas flowing from my head. Writing is tedious but rewarding and gratifying. It can be my escape and it can be my prison. It is an integral part of my being, one in which I am grateful to have and from which I would never want to be apart.

Just Me

I may be quiet but I have a lot to say. My head may be on cloud nine but my feet are planted firmly on the ground. I am loyal in every sense of the word. I always make time to do the things that I love but my family always comes first. I live to love and laugh; I love to laugh and live.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nice to be Back

Finally back to civilization--back to emails and Facebook and blogging. It was a nice break, though, from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I ended up spending a lot of time writing, or rather, continuing to write a book that I've started a long time ago. The title and the plot have changed numerous times; but I think now, I have it down the way I want it. I also started making three photo books on my Mac. (Oh, yeah. I can't live without my Mac now.) One is a documentary about our up north property, from when we first bought the land to building the pole barn and the cabin. The cabin is not one hundred percent finished so needless to say, the book isn't either. But I'm caught up to the present. So far, I've compiled five years worth of pictures in that book. I also created a photo book of our Florida trip back in 2008. That I have to finish because I always like to add postcards, maps and such to complete it. I also got way ahead, considering that I stalled for a long time, on the Tayone Family Tree book. So, right now, I have three photo books in progress, one book waiting for publication and two I am writing.
So, I should be back here regularly again. It's nice to be back!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Up North

We're leaving today. I don't know how I'm going to survive more than a week of no internet. I've been so attached to Facebook, blogging and checking my emails a few times a day that I don't know how I'm going to keep myself from going anxiously insane everyday.
The change of pace would be great, though. The quiet solitude would be welcome--soothing the soul and invigorating the senses--up there amid richness of nature. I'm taking my beloved Mac so that I can still write in my journal. And who knows, I may have time to write another book. I also brought a couple of books to read. I'd be spending a lot of time with the boys. They'll keep me plenty busy too. On top of that, I'd be assisting Tom with the fireplace rocks that he's planning to mount on the wall. It's going to be a great vacation. It's been six months since we've been up there and I miss up north.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Very Late Night

I am very tired right now. I didn't expect to stay this late; but I got to searching the internet for book festivals. I got excited when I saw a few in Wisconsin. Hey, it's within the state. I can travel that far. So I ended up submitting application forms for two of them. Hopefully, I'll hear something positive. I had to take advantage of the time because we will be gone for more than a week without internet connection. I won't be able to do any searches or submit applications online until we get back. There's more to explore but my eyelids are very heavy right now and my neck aches. I long to feel the comfort of my pillow. Goodnight.