With their lunches packed, meds and medical forms ready, I packed everyone in the van. We got to school early so there was not a long line of cars at the drop-off where I found a parking spot close to the front door. I took this snapshot of them--which I almost forgot to take! I had to run back to the car and get my camera. Crazy mom always has to take a picture on the first day of school! Connor was not too happy. He doesn't like his picture taken in the first place and having to wait around for me to take his picture is almost too much. (Thus, the expression on his face.) I finally let them go to their respective classrooms while Tommy and I went to the Health Room.
The house is so quiet now with just me and Tommy. I was getting used to having all the boys around and I sure miss them! (sniffles). Can't wait to see them again and hear their tales of their first day of school.