Once a year, on the last Saturday of August, the Muskego Corvette Club holds a car show since 1990-the year that Tom joined the club. The venue has always been in the same place, except maybe for one year: Sindic Motorcars, Inc./Richlonn's Tire & Service Centers at the intersection of Racine Avenue and Janesville Road in Muskego. The trophies are sponsored by local businesses who give generously. The proceeds of the food sales and 50/50 raffles go to local charities. It is one charitable drive that Tom and I are proud to be a part of and have not missed since he joined the club and since I came to Wisconsin.
Usually, Tom is at the venue getting the place set up by seven in the morning. But today, we did not get there until noon because of Connor's scrimmage. Still, I managed to take over in preparing food orders. We came at a busy time for food sales so I was on my feet for a good two hours. When food sales ended, I crawled into my van and took a cat nap (ssshh) while Tom helped bring down the tents and put tables away.
I was too tired to walk around and look at the show cars but my boys did all that for me. :o)