Connor woke up early today and got ready to go with his dad to work. It's not everyday that he gets to go to work with Dad. A few times a year, yes. But today is not just one of those stay-at-the-TV-station-all-day kind of day. He gets to go out with the Electronic Field Production (EFP) crew (which includes Dad) to shoot a segment for the local TV show, Outdoor Wisconsin. Not only does he get to go with the crew, he's going to be in the show!
The Milwaukee Public Television's show, Outdoor Wisconsin airs on Channel 10.1 HD on Thursdays at 8 p.m. with repeats on Saturdays at 9 a.m. It's a half-hour show covering different outdoor activities in Wisconsin like fishing, hunting, etc...
Today's segment shoot is about bike trails in Wisconsin. Connor will get to ride his bike on one of the trails. He was so excited about it. He and Tom loaded his bike and protective gear in the car and off they went just a little after six this morning. I can't wait for them to come home and for Connor to tell me all about the experience.
For more information about Outdoor Wisconsin and other Milwaukee Public Television programs, visit www.mptv.org.