The month of February started out with a bang—in the form of a storm. A blizzard of a storm, to be exact, that the state had not seen for a decade. The boys came home from school early that day and the next day school was closed due to treacherous conditions. Our front door could not be opened due to a hill of a snowdrift. We were snowed in! Luckily Tom was also off that day and spent practically all morning plowing. The kids had fun playing in the snow, building a trench and a fort. Connor had his first hand at snow blowing and he did a great job too!
That weekend Tom and I went out to Hickory Sticks at the Morningstar Golf Course where we had dinner and music with some wonderful people from the Muskego Corvette Club. It was a great night out, one that we seldom get to do as a couple these days due to our pickiness (is that even a word?) with baby sitters for the boys. My dad gladly watched them that night.
Two most anticipated events in sports (in my family, anyway) happened this month. First, the Super Bowl XLV for which, the Packers won! It was jubilation all over the state! Second was the Daytona 500 where there were some record-setting events. When my favorites in order: Dale Jr., Matt Kenseth and Jeff Gordon did not win, I was rooting for anyone from Wisconsin: Greg Biffle, Paul Menard and Travis Kvapil but it was Trevor Bayne, a 20-year old, virtually unknown, kid who won it. Good for him!
Then I had the grandest time at our Girl's Night Out for one of my friend's birthday where I saw another friend of mine whom I had not seen in 10 years! It was a lot of catching up that night, spending time with my mom and girlfriends. I was in good, fun company. That get-together had been rescheduled due to the blizzard the week before. Though that night was bitterly cold, that could not keep us from getting together and keeping each other warm with smiles and laughter--a memorable night to treasure in our hearts.
Toward the middle of the month, Connor and Colin got to take their dad to school for the Favorite Man Breakfast, an event they enjoy every year.
The fourth grade CFM from St. Joseph’s got to be part of the liturgy this month. Connor was supposed to be the cross bearer but he was disappointed when he did not get to carry the cross (for it was a lot heavier than he thought). He got to walk it to the altar though, along with a few other students, and he was one of the Psalm Signers.
Valentine's Day was special for it was our 20th since Tom and I started celebrating it (though the first two we were oceans away from each other). And what should I get but a shirt with Aaron Rodgers holding the Super Bowl trophy printed on the front! I love my husband for letting me love Aaron Rodgers!
My high school class had a first ever grand reunion after 21 years! I got to be a part of it thanks to the internet! Via webcam, it felt as if I were there: I could see the hall where the event was being held; I could see the white table linens, the balloons and the people wearing the red shirt made especially for the occasion; and most of all I saw beloved faces, heard familiar voices and heard the music being played, especially our high school graduation song, "Constant Change" by Jose Mari Chan, which made me nostalgic for those wonderful high school years. Oh, to be young again! To be in high school again! It was one of the best times of my life!
The only sour note I have from this month is the unraveling of the turmoil at the Capitol in Madison in which the result, either way, would change the lives of many forever, including ours. My emotions were sky-high about this, especially in the beginning. But I have calmed down and I have faith that it will all come together as God planned.
February was filled with fun, family, friends and faith. I’m looking forward to what March will bring: birthdays in the family, soccer and early spring—maybe. In Wisconsin, you never know.